Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Children are our future!!

Professional Hopes and Goals!!

My hope I have when I think about working with families and children who comes from diverse backgrounds. Being able to learn how to communicate and understand their world through their languages, beliefs, traditions and values this is how I will be able to help them grow by teaching them new skills daily.

My goal I would like to set related to issues of diversity, equity, and social justice. To be more open to my growth and advance my learning through practices, research and media as I continue working with children and families.

I would like to thank each one of my colleague for bringing all of your helpful information from  your diversity background and classroom  each week. This helped me to better understand the course and how I will grow from it and respect each culture. I wish you all the  best of luck in your future endeavors.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Children are our future!!

Welcoming Families From Around the World

My family's country of origin is  from Colombia.

My five ways I would prepare myself to be culturally responsive towards the child who has been recently emigrated from Colombia who will be enrolled at my  early childhood learning center.

1)  I will respect cultural differences and adding education related to my child culture, programs become inclusive.

2)  I will provide scaffolds between what the child already know through their experiences and what my child need to learn.

3)   I will build on my child personal and cultural strengths, and examine my curriculum from multiple perspectives in my inclusive classroom environment.

4) I will explore my child family histories by engaging a relationship with family members to learn more about familial cultural influences on their own lives.

5) I will place pre-service teachers with my staff who have a thorough knowledge of and extensive experience with culturally responsive education.

The ways I have listed to prepare myself for my child from Colombia will give me preparations that will serve the child effectively by respecting and learning from their cultural.



Saturday, December 9, 2017

Children are our future!!

The Personal Side of Bias, Prejudice, and Oppression

My memory I have of dealing with prejudice; a few years ago I was hanging out with some friends at our local comedy Jukebox. They have many comedians who come to put on a show, my friends had an extra ticket and I was invited to come see this white male comedian. I had never heard of him and our seats were placed in the front row. We were the only African Americans in the building, which this did not bother us at the time. As the show begin I notice the low attendance in the audience and the performer came out. 

He started out with his regular jokes and then he target us in the front row. I know that comedians  of all races target other races during their show, but in this case the comedian said some really harsh, prejudice, and mean jokes to us. We decide to leave during the show and as we were walking  out he yelled out "bye black niggers" my friend begin to run back towards the stage but another friend grabbed her arm. We got the manager and told him how we felt about the comedian. The manager was not helpful at all and keep on saying it was a part of his act. I said to the manager I understand that all comedians used the audience members as part of their act. However, I have not seen or heard one comedian have some much prejudice against that particular race. I further told him the comment he made as we were leaving. I still did not get no where with the manager. I told the manager I will never support his business again. 

In life we will deal with prejudice or oppression  I am glad that I didn't react to the comedian in a bad way. I have learn from my mother you will run into a person who character will define who they are and I will know when to stay away from that type of person. In this case removing myself from that business establishment was the best for me. This experience reminded me of how I was target as a young girl being called a "black niggger."Of course, I was in disbelief once I went home and thought about how racism still plays a major role today. No matter where or who your are going to deal with this type of prejudice behavior. 

After experiencing  this type of incident  I continue to treat others with respect and allow me to treat other of a different race equal. If I was a comedian I would not used prejudice or oppression toward my audience.

Saturday, November 25, 2017


Practicing Awareness of Microaggression!!

 Image result for what is stereotyped with microaggression

It's always exciting when a new business comes to my town, especially right before the holidays. We recently got a new bowling alley called Round up in our mall that opened on November the 18th. My friends on social media (Facebook) has been complaining  about its not a good idea to place the Round up in the mall. They felt that African American youth are going to destroy it because of their behavior. Well their prediction was right, on opening day November 18, 2017 their was a big brawl in the mall that started at the new bowling alley Round Up that led out into the mall. It was talked about on the news and you can see negative posts from all different races on social media. 

On November 25, 2017 I was heading out to another bowling alley to hang out with family and friends who lives in various different states. We all agree to hang out at another bowling alley, I had arrive first waiting in the lobby area on my family. I noticed a Caucasian couples coming out the bar area, they were in a conversation about the Round up. One woman made a comment as they were walking pass me sitting on the bench. The woman said, " its a shame that them people, fucked it  up (excuse my language)  for everyone to go that new place called Round Up." A guy said, "yes we can not have anything in Peoria due to them people." Another guy said, " we can not have anything because them crazy kids acting like animals." I felt so bad even though they were not talking about me but  the African American youth. I wonder if the conversation they were having would have not been discuss so bluntly if I was not sitting their in the lobby area. 

After learning about microaggression this week,  I felt as if I was the target during their conversation. This type of microaggression was an microinsult, the couples were labeling my culture as animals and describing them as if they are the problems we can not have anything in our town. There  conversation contain an insulting message and their communication among themselves were intentionally. I was being marginalized by my color.  During my observation experience my perception of the effects of their message, it was my culture were being discriminated, they were being bias which I felt they were prejudice. They stereotypes the African American youth  based off what the media had displayed the incident at the Round Up. 

I know we can not control other individuals actions but their is a time and place to have a discussion, I believe if I was not sitting their they would had the discussion but it would have not been so directed as if they were talking to me.  I am being more observant when I am around others and noticing how microaggression are being used in their conversations. This assignment has taught me a lot of how to avoid using microaggression towards others intentionally or unintentional. 

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Saturday, November 18, 2017

Children are our future!!

Perspectives on Diversity and Culture!!!

I was able to talk to three different individuals who has shared their definition of culture and diversity. I recently met my son roommate a few months ago as I was moving my son into his apartment. I was kind of upset with the housing department at my son college. They had placed an older man who has graduated from college with his Bachelor Degree in 1988. That's the year I graduated from high school, this guy was not older than my son but older than me as well. My son was fine with the roommate in spite of the huge age differences. Since late August I got the chance to get to know my son roommate through my son and various conversations I was able to talk to him as well.

I felt I should include him in this week blog assignment because he is from Brazil, I asked him his definitions of culture and diversity by phone. His response was rather interesting because I thought I would get a different response from what I have been studying in past few weeks about culture and diversity. 

1. Culture- how people live in their everyday lives and how the community wants them to live their lives. 

2. Diversity- the different styles and genres that people have been able to portray through each other. 

Which aspects of culture and diversity that I have studied in this course are included in the answers I received—and what are some examples?

The various resources and videos that I have studied in the past week about culture and diversity are what has been included in the definitions from the individual. In the video, from week 2 the three panelist pretty much describe their definitions of cultural and diversity the same. The response from my classmates and myself from discussions board post they indicated the same response. I believe each person feels the same about what cultural and diversity means to them in the standard definition of cultural and diversity. 

Which aspects have been omitted—and what are some examples of such omission?
After learning about dominant culture in the past few weeks,  I think this has been omitted from the individuals response only because I had ask about culture and diversity. If I would have been more direct asking about a definition of  dominant culture to the individual from Brazil I would had gotten more in depth response from the individual. The individual would have discuss his language, values, religion or social customs view in his definition. 

In what ways has thinking about other people’s definitions of culture and diversity influenced my own thinking about these topics?

The individuals that I was able to talk to for this assignment has influenced my own thinking about culture and diversity of how each individual was able to describe their meaning from their own culture and diversity views. As I reflect from a conversation with my son about his roommate he mentioned about how the individual could show him different things from his culture that's different from kind of foods they eat, language barrier and how are their living arrangement different from our culture. I had to respect my son's thinking and my own thinking as he share a room with the individual who culture and diversity different from us. My son and I have a hard time trying to understand his language, and the individual have a hard time speaking our language as well. 

I have many encounters with other cultures but I felt my experience with my son roommate helped me to fully understand how we think about another culture, I was being judgmental  about having my son share a room with a older man from another country instead of letting my son make the decision of learning from the individual cultural as well as me too. 

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Children are our future!!

My Family Culture!!!

Photo of my children: This photo will remind me of what I instilled in my children to keep God first and everything will be added unto me. How God will always be with me no matter what life stressor comes my way.

My locket with my sister ashes: This will give me strength of how I watch for seven years battling cancer and who will always be with me.

My purse size personal Bible: I can read my word daily to keep me uplifted.

I would tell others that my photo of my children is my daily reminder to keep God first. God is my Provider and will keep me safe. This is how I raised my children up in church and to always trust God and keep Him first.  My locket represent my sister who I know is always with me in spirit. Her strength and fight will help me help me keep my strength and faith. My personal Bible I can continue to read God word daily.

I would take my personal size Bible, because of God promises he would be with me always and He will give me back everything I lost.

The insight I gained from this assignment about myself, my dedication and trust I have in God, I know that He will never leave me or forsaken me. Even in my darkest times God will always be with me. This exercise taught me about my culture, as a young child going to church with my grandma  I was taught how to trust in the Lord at all times. Growing up  we went to church with our great grandma and grandma at least three days a week including Sundays. As an adult today, I am glad that I was raised up in church. 

Friday, October 27, 2017

Children are our future!!

Image result for immigrant families in peoria il
Why is your simulation important to the field of early childhood?

I begin working in the early childhood field as a Director July 2017; I have previous experience working in the child care centers many years ago an assistant teacher and later on becoming the cook. When I became Director, I noticed a few Hispanic children who are enrolled at my child care center.
My child care center lies in the low-income community area where over the past five years immigrant family’s population has grown. Before I became Director I worked in the Human Service field and I was out in the community working with clients I would notice many immigrant parents with their children during school hours. I often wonder at that time why they are not in school or do they even have the resources about early childhood education. I know I was able to assist a few families on my caseload with resources for early childhood enrollment.
This is my reason why my simulation is important to the field of early childhood; I want to be able to share the resources to immigrant families to know the importance of early childhood education can help their children ages 3-5 years old.

If you were to conduct your simulation proposal, who would benefit?

This would benefit immigrant family’s children, and child care centers, preschools, and Head Start programs enrollment in the community. Children would receive early learning education to help them academically when they reach kindergarten. They would also benefit from dual language learners; children at a very young age can acquire both languages of their family and language used at school.

What are some of the ways your perceptions of an early childhood professional have been modified as a result of this course?

I have learned how serious working in the early childhood field, will require high-quality, dedication and professional directors/teachers.  I see the importance of what I do and eager to increase the effectiveness knowledge and skills as I continuing furthering my education and working in the early childhood field. I know as a professional I must continually enrich my knowledge and increase my sense of professionalism over my future courses and my career by staying involve with current research studies, articles and other helpful sources that will help me stay inform about updated early childhood education.

Image result for immigrant families in peoria il


Friday, October 6, 2017

Children are our future!!

Research Around the World: Early Childhood Australia: A voice for young children


What are some of the current international research topics? 
  •  The Early Childhood Australia Leadership Program:
  • How do all Australians benefit from quality early learning?


 What surprising facts/insights/new ideas about early childhood did you gain from exploring this international early childhood website? 

The new ideas I gain from this website discuss the importance of Early learning Everyone Benefit campaign: you will take a survey that is less than ten minutes.  The parent's help in asking short set of questions to their child or children will be very helpful for them to get insights to learn what works for the child or children. I further learn how this campaign is advocating for our children's right to access quality early learning. (ECA, 2017)
 What other noteworthy information did you find on this website? 

I learn about the Early Childhood Australia (ECA)is committed to the inclusion of every child in the early childhood education and care. Every child will have access to participate and experience positive outcomes from early childhood education and care programs. (ECA, 2017)


Friday, September 22, 2017

Children are our future!!

Research that Benefits Children and Families Uplifting Stories!!!

As a child care provider, I am happy that I am serving families who speaks Spanish. I have learned how to understand their culture by implementing many multicultural activities, and being very supportive for the families home language. When the parent comes to the center during pick up and drop off times, I observe the conversation between the parent and child. The family are speaking Spanish, among themselves and then there language change to English when speaking with the staff . and I. From research I learn that children who can speak another language other than English are dual language learner. 

Through previous course and research I was able to learn more about Dual Language Learners. The insights that I gained has helped me to fully understand the families I am serving and to increase my knowledge to make sure that I am serving them effectively. I know that I can refer back to many of the helpful resources  and updated ones when I have a concern about children or families. 

My point of interest in this course is to learn  how I can serve immigrant families in my community. Over the past ten years the immigrant population has increase and their are many families residing in the low-income community. In the low-income community their are plenty of child care centers, Head Start programs and other resources that can meet the families needs of providing early child care education to the immigrant families. The immigrant families will benefit from their children learning a second language and this will prepared the children for kindergarten. 

Image result for dual language learners in the early childhood classroom

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Children are our future!!

My Personal  Resource Journey!!

My chosen topic "Cultural, Diversity and Dual learners" I am interested in finding out more resource when working with this population. Over the past ten years the population has increased with a variety of cultural families in my community. In my previous field Human Service workers, I work with many cultural families and they had no knowledge about early childhood education. Now that I have been promoted to Director at my non-profit organization Parent Child Care Center. I am in a position where I can helped the families place there children into a child care center. I currently have  a few Hispanic children in my center. I know I can learn from the families cultural and help reach other cultural families to get their young children place into a child care center, pre-school and Head Start the tools they need to be prepare for kindergarten.

The information that I have learned in the first two week is very helpful. The helpful insight I am gaining is helping me to understand  how to define my chosen terms that I did not know before I begin this course. I am working on how to put the terms in my own words, and I am in the process of being able to understand the terms I have chosen.  I would look up research for personal and school use but I would often look at the articles so that I am getting the specific information that I needed.

The only insight that I have for my colleagues, would be to continue to used this opportunity to fully learn about research.  According to Trochim, Donnelly & Arora (2016) noted that "we gained from research many at some point be able to put into practice." As I continue in my early childhood education journey continuing to learn more about cultural, diversity and dual learners.  I know I will be doing a lot of research and gaining knowledge so that I can put into practice as I am serving my young children and families effectively.

Trochim, W. M., Donnelly, J. P., & Arora, K. (2016). Research methods: The essential knowledge base (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. 

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Children are our future!!

Final Blog Assignment!!!

As I prepare to move on I have taken a minute to think about the resources that I have learned about international early childhood field. The three consequences of learning about international early childhood field in my professional/personal.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Children are our future!!


Professional Goals, Hopes and Dreams

 I begin my setting my goals for returning to complete my education goals about 12 years ago.  Within the last 12 years  I received two degrees one Associate(Child Care) and one Bachelor Degree(Human Service Family Welfare). I begin working with clients in the care of Department of Children and Family Services.  I am currently working for a non-profit organization as the Program Specialist. In the past three months, I have been the active Director in our Parent Child Care Center. It saddened us when our director and three teachers who gave over 10 years of service they left the center due to low wages and they were limited to working less than 32 hours per week. Over the years their families size increase and with lack of our state budgets being cut, so are programs we collaborate and low enrollment in the center.

When working for a non-profit organization it can be difficult when your funding source is very limited. Our biggest funding comes from United Way. I am hoping to pursue a new grant proposal later on this fall. I want to request more money to help with paying our staff more money. I know I was able to hire a few teachers to filled position but they were looking for a part-time position. This work for me, however, I need to hired full-time teachers once I can get approve for more grant funding. In order to have quality and early childhood professionals they need to be compensating for the credentials, and years of experience working with children.

As I begin my research I found this article, "6 Policies to Support Early Childhood Workforce," According to The New York Times, Salinas earns just $12.89 per hour as a teacher in a child care center in Espanola, New Mexico. After working for the child care center over 15 years, and they cannot afford to pay her insurance and she is limited to working 32 hours a week. The same problem our agency is facing is trending in other states as well. She continues to struggle to afford her utility bills and she earns to much to qualify for Medicaid.  (Center for American Progress, 2017)

As I mentioned in above paragraphs, same issues regarding quality and early childhood professional, challenges we are facing in the early childhood.  I have been working in the classroom with the children and my parent interactions. My professional goals are to improve ways I can help get more funding. The article, discusses that "early care and education is a labor-intensive industry: Wages and cost associated with staffing account for around 80 percent of program expenses." (Center for American Progress, 2017)

After reading this article and the challenges I face on daily basis in my new position.  My hopes are to keep our center open and to hired staff with more grant funding to compensate my employees with health benefits and higher wages. My professional goals will be to provide an educational environment for my staff, children and families. I will continue to utilize all resources, collaboration within my community to help parents and children needs met. To keep my immigrants families in the community and the center updated on educational information. As I am seeking my Master Degree, with all the knowledge I will gain from my courses and working in the child center. I will continue to use my knowledge and skills to have a successful child care center.



Sunday, August 13, 2017

Children are our future!!

Sharing Web Resources

In the beginning of this course, EDUC-6162-7 Issues and Trend in the Early Childhood Field, I review the information from this website "National Black Child Development Institute(NBCDI)." You can click on the resources tab to review their latest to the oldest newsletter. You also can download information about the program. This program I was able to click on information about the program that is offered in my state Illinois. The website offers great information that is easy and accessible by clicking on the tabs. 

As further my research I click on the resource tab that gave me some insightful information that I can gain by reading their newest publication. "From the foreword  by Barbara Bowman of the Erikson Institute to a closing essay by David Johns, Executive Director of the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans, Being Black Is Not a Risk Factor: A Strengths-Based Look at the State of the Black Child." They discuss how they designed the challenge of prevailing discourse about black children. They mentioned how overemphasizes limitations and deficits that would not draw upon the considerate strengths, assets, and resilience that are being demonstrated by our families, children, and communities.  (NBDCI, 2017)

The NBCDI'S mainly focus getting outcomes from the children who suffer from the dual legacies of racial discrimination and poverty.  According to NBCDI (2017) "The organization was launched by the Black Women’s Community Development Foundation, whose leadership, in the wake of the Civil Rights Movement, was deeply concerned about the unsatisfactory conditions faced by families determined to raise healthy Black children." (NBCDI, 2017)

They focus on the strengths and needs of their community and the lens of cultural competence. They serve as a national resource agency providing programs, publications, advocacy, and training that are related to early childhood care and education, health, and wellness, literacy and family engagement.  (NBCDI, 2017)

Who We Are

"Quality programs for Black children must incorporate factors that ensure esteem and respect for oneself and one's heritage."
- Evelyn K. Moore, NBCDI President Emeritus, 1972

For further information see reference: 

